Advertising & Media

Interested in advertising on Formidable Footprint? Want to get your product or service directly in front of your target audience? If so, you’ve come to the right place!

I partner with advertising networks for the banner ads that appear on Formidable Footprint, which together are my advertising partners. Please contact them for info on reserving ad space on Formidable Footprint.

As for tailor-made sponsored projects with a personal touch, I handle those myself, and here are a few recent campaigns…

Please contact me through this form, or email I’d love to discuss your project further. 🙂

Of course, I also review new makeup and beauty products, and if you have a fab product you’d like to see featured on Formidable Footprint, or if you’re hosting a beauty-related event, please reach out.

So, what kind of girl (or boy!) reads Formidable Footprint? For the most part, she’s a sassy, smart woman aged 25-55 with a passion for makeup and beauty.

Talk to you soon!